Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Building your vocabulary

Well, there are two ways of going about it – the long & easy way and the quick & hard way, but sadly no quick & easy way. The first method may take years but involving nothing, but reading whatever you like. This is a very relaxed and reliable way of improving your vocabulary, you learn new words very slowly but you can be sure that you will not forget them. But if you are preparing for competitive exams like GRE this is an impractical way of doing things. That’s where the second method becomes essential – mugging up a humongous wordlist. It is a very tedious process and involves a lot of hard work, but you do get quick but unreliable results. So that is what I have been trying to do the past week, trying to cram in the Barons wordlist. But as wordlists go, the Barons is not bad, I mean the example sentences do contain a kind of wry humor. It’s almost like watching a Woody Allen movie – very intellectual, taxing and mildly humorous.

1 comment:

Navin said...

while i was studying for GRE, i came across this site http://wizdom.in

I subscribed to this and i feel i much better than blindly cramming the baron's wordlist. Though i cannot say how useful it practically is as i am still to give the GRE in Dec, but it looks very promising to me.