Friday, February 16, 2007

Some classic movies

I watched some classic movies recently ('cos I have so much time on my hands), like Rashomon, 8½ and Sunset Blvd.

Rashomon, one of Akira Kurosawa's most famous films, was as expected a great movie. I found the concept of the movie very interesting, and later found out (through Wikipedia, the source of all trivia and knowledge) that there is actually a psychological term called the Rashomon Effect.

8½, by Federico Fellini, on the other hand was the most boring and confusing movie I've seen. I should have listened to the comment on IMDB - "Somebody who is looking for a movie as a two hour piece of entertainment will not enjoy this." I feel that it is like the Ulysses (guess I really have it against that book), which is regarded as a classic more for technical reasons rather than entertainment value.

But for me of the three, the most interesting and the most entertaining movie was the Sunset Blvd. I was really surprised to see that a film made in 1950 could be so stylish and still be interesting for someone like me.

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